Tiny Modernist

Displaying 91 to 120 (of 288 Products)

Giraffe Biscornu - April
Stitch count: 71 x 71 Floss: DMC - Ecru, 743, 3864, 3609, 3607, 907, 905, 3799

$6.00 USD

Gnome Biscornu
Size: 71h x 71w

$6.00 USD

Goldilocks - Fairy Tale Pin Cushion
Top round piece: 47h x 47w Side piece: 28h x 165w

$8.00 USD

Halloween Calendar
Size:  166h x 223w

$12.00 USD

Halloween Crystal Ball 2
  Size:  129w x 180h

$6.00 USD

Halloween Crystal Ball 3
Size:  129w x 180h

$6.00 USD

Halloween Greetings

$9.00 USD

Halloween Ouija 1

$10.00 USD

Halloween Ouija 2

$3.00 USD

Halloween Ouija 3

$3.00 USD

Halloween Ouija 4

$3.00 USD

Halloween Ouija 5

$3.00 USD

Halloween Signs
Size:  41w x 69h

$12.00 USD

Halloween Spooktacular 5-8
Size: 61w x 61h each

$12.00 USD

Halloween Spooktacular 9-12

$12.00 USD

Halloween Stitch A Long - Border
Size:  145w x 69h

$7.50 USD

Halloween Stitch A Long - Part 1

$3.00 USD

Halloween Stitch A Long - Part 2

$3.00 USD

Halloween Stitch A Long - Part 3
Part 3 of 3. Parts 1 and 2 must be ordered for complete design. 

$3.00 USD

Halloween Terrarium

$9.00 USD

Happy Alphabet 1 - ABC

$12.00 USD

Happy Alphabet 2 - DEF

$12.00 USD

Happy Alphabet 3 - GHI

$12.00 USD

Happy Alphabet 4 - JKL

$12.00 USD

Happy Alphabet 5 - MNO

$12.00 USD

Happy Alphabet 7 - STU

$12.00 USD

Happy Alphabet 8 - VWX

$12.00 USD

Happy Alphabet 9 - YZ

$12.00 USD

Haunted Mansion - Part 1
Stitch count: 156 x 224

$10.00 USD

Haunted Mansion - Part 2

$2.00 USD

Displaying 91 to 120 (of 288 Products)

New Products For July - Charts By Designer

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